On location in Montego Bay, Jamaica. 12 Yard Productions for Channel 4

PETER GRIMES on Aldeburgh beach
Grimes on the Beach Film Ltd/MJW Prouductions/recentworks

CTVC for Smithsonian Networks and BBC 

The Production Managers Association (PMA) dates back to 1987, when a small group of freelance Production Managers started meeting informally but regularly to share their experiences and provide mutual support. In 1991 they formed the PMA and a year later, published a directory of its 43 members and the first edition of The Bottom Line Magazine. In the same year, the PMA launched its Availability List, which has become a vital tool for Producers and Production Companies looking for skilled Production Managers.

In 1997 the PMA website went live and within a year the Forum had been launched giving members an invaluable online networking facility from anywhere in the world. The Forum has proved to be hugely successful for the exchange of information and contacts between members.

Over 30 years later, the PMA is unstoppable. With an evergrowing membership and industry network it is the first port of call for anyone needing a Production Manager or Line Producer.

PMA History

Committee Members

The PMA is run by an Executive Committee elected annually from within its membership.

CHAIR Claire Walker
VICE-CHAIR Gezz Mounter
SECRETARY Miranda Simmons
TREASURER Caroline Fleming

Liz Burton King

Thomas Delfs

Helen Jackson

Yvonne Sellins

Caroline Daly

Sue Davies

Karen Turner

Peter Miller



Our Sponsors

The PMA is sponsored by a variety of companies in the film and television industry. We have a long-standing relationship with many of them dating back to the PMA’s inception in 1991.

PMA members benefit from the information and services that our sponsors can provide, while sponsors gain access to the upper echelon of Production Managers in the UK who are major purchasers for the industry.

Become a sponsor

We only have one sponsor per area of business but occasionally opportunities to become a sponsor of the PMA do arise.

Sponsors get the chance to meet our members several times a year, host parties, explain their services and write for our magazine The Bottom Line.

For more information on sponsorship, please contact us.